martes, 5 de abril de 2016

Introduction to Arduino.

To begin working with Arduino must download and install the Arduino development environment (IDE), and check that it is properly configured. We are going to the download page
And down the latest version of the IDE. That the date of this writing is 1.6.48 beta is stable enough to use under normal conditions.
Choose the appropriate version to our system and be patient because it is a moderately large download. Once completed, Execute the downloaded file, and go answering the installation options. Accept the default installation options is a reasonable option if you are unsure of the questions that makes us. After a few minutes finalize the installation, and the team workspace Arduino icon appears.

Once installed the IDE, we will check that recognizes our Arduino properly and we can schedule it. To do this, Connect your Arduino to your computer via USB. In doing our PC should detect the new USB device and install the appropriate driver. And decompressed with Winrar, and executes the program included. You will install a driver that resolves the problem. Now, we can start the Arduino icon from the desktop and configure Arduino model and confirm the serial port to which it connects. [Menu] \ Tools \ Plate Choose the exact model of our Arduino. [Menu] \ Tools \ Port is necessary to check that we have assigned a port and has the mark. It is important to assign the port and the Arduino model to ensure the proper functioning of the IDE. The check mark should be with the tick. Pressing [Menu] \ File \ Examples \ 01.Basics \ Blink, a series of texts appear in the working environment, to ignore for now. Press the button marked in yellow, will see a green line progress forward.
if you've already done this process you will already start working with Arduino.

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